Joanna Depowska
UX/UI Design
User Experience Designer
Website Designer
Digital Freak
See my work
As a UX designer,  I have the inquisitive mindset and ability to present the results of my work convincingly and comprehensively. I am willing to learn and continue development.

As a programmer, I can think out of the box and also work in a structured way.

As an IT student, I have a solid background in computer science and an understanding of software architecture.

As a MA in Medical Laboratory Technology, I have a deep understanding of conducting research and cooperating with people. I found user research methods similar to clinical trials in many ways.

As a person, I am by nature a highly empathetic, goal-oriented multitasker with a social soul.
Latest work
Shisha Reviews App
Independent Project
End-to-end conceptual project. I gained meaningful experience in diverse phases of UCD. I learned how to conduct user research and analyze coming data. I soaked into designing in Figma and showcased my project during the design pitch.
Medical Web App
Design Challenge
I designed UI screens based on the low-fidelity flow provided. The key point for that project was self-explanatory flow accessible for users of all ages. That's why my main focus was accessibility and designing with a user-centered approach.
Feedback Modal
Design Challenge
Feedback modal design for the web version of interactive whiteboard app. High fidelity prototype enabling user fast and reliable overall app experience as well as session experience.
Shisha Tobacco Reviews App
Conceptual case
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chin up!
I will walk you through the whole process
Video Recap Soon
01 Project Overview
About The Project
App to rate shisha tobacco, based on multiple parameters. Depending on user input, it creates a ranking of brands and their flavors. Provides an extensive user profile with a smoker calendar and a "favorites" functionality. The application contains a map section that helps to find shops and shisha bars nearby based on the user's location.There is no live project like this existing on the Polish market, this is a brand new initiative.
The idea was taken from everyday life. Many of my friends, including me, are hooked on smoking shisha. Thus, we are constantly looking for new brands, flavors, and ways to prepare the perfect hookah session. Watching my friends struggling with finding any helpful tips out there has triggered my UX instincts. Is it possible to create a space where shisha smokers can effortlessly find a review and a piece of advice that interests them? Let’s find out.
Problem Statement
Lack of current, reliable knowledge about the quality of tobacco flavors.
Difficulty finding a shisha lounge in a new town.
A fact, that users are unable to keep in memory all already tried flavors and recall their conclusions. The largest community exists on Facebook, which is not an independent medium.
This project aims to design an easy-to-use app that provides shisha tobacco information and its brand ranking. It contains a map with tobacco shops and shisha bars with their current assortment. The app intends to help shisha smokers to have their independent community.
Building an easy to scale app in the area of specific expertise. Investigation of shisha smokers' behavioral model and highlighting the most relevant tobacco parameters. Coming up with a design solution for their presentation.
My role
UX and hands-on product design. I was responsible for creating the end-to-end customer experience.
Target group
Shisha smokers and enthusiasts, tobacco shops, and shisha lounges owners.
project plan
Two weeks of discovery and ideation, followed by three weeks of prototyping. Then two weeks for evaluating ideas and improve existing screens. One week for smooth UI finish.
02 Understand
Competitive analysis

As a result of the in-depth market review, I chose 3 potential competitors and conducted an UX analysis of their products. The goal was to identify what are the problems users may face while using existing solutions.

The three competitors evaluated:
Main principals for evaluation:
Facebook groups
Confusing profile statistics. After hovering on the icon hand cursor is shown but you can’t click on it
A 10-starrating system can be misleading in this case as tobacco flavor is influenced by many factors
Incorrect placement of log out button can lead to unintentional action
03 research
Research Plan
Aim: Defining the user's mental model during choosing tobacco.
Research questions: What is the user's path to deciding on purchasing specific tobacco?
What is it guided by (opinions, reviews, promotions)? Where is he looking for those opinions? What should a valuable opinion contain?
Research Method
I start exploring the problem with a survey. Then dig deeper into the most important problems during individual in-depth interviews.
I choose Facebook groups because it's the widest, active community. To the in-depth interviews, I invited 3 the most active and familiar with the industry person.
Data and analysis
I intend to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The conclusions will be presented in the form of an abridged report.
Survey Insights: 4 questions, 66 respondents
I have defined what forms the overall assessment of tobacco.
Flavor intensity, smoke quantity, taste mapping, and duration of the smoking session were by far the most chosen by the respondents.  So they should be included as mandatory when adding a review.
Also, I highlighted all the other important aspects during hookah preparation.
They can be provided as the extended part of the review.
Respondent says:
“A good idea with this app, there is no such thing”
Intreviews insights: 3 interviewee, 45 minutes
The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner. One was direct and two remotes.
The IDIs helped me step into the respondent's shoes even better. I have registered the language specific to the target group and I have prepared a dictionary of terms. I found out that a photo attached for review would be an asset. I have improved my know-how and hierarchized all factors on this basis.
04 Analyze
As a result of research, I have listed three personas. One of them has been chosen as the primary persona. This has allowed me to identify and concentrate on values that are essential for the target group.
Alex Meticulous, 32
Primary persona
Alex lives in Warsaw, where he works remotely as a programmer. He cannot imagine a working day without a long smoking session with perfectly prepared hookah packed with premium quality shisha tobacco.
All shisha reviews out there are either too long, too worthless, or too German.
Martha Unpretentious, 28
secondary persona
I just want to know where to go, to have a seat with my crew and enjoy a delicious hookah. Simple as that.
Martha works as a techno DJ and plays her sets at big parties with a huge audience. Regarding the specificity of her profession, she spends every weekend in a different city. After the set, she loves to chill out in one of local hookah lounges that serves a good quality shisha.
Thomas Newbie, 22
secondary persona
The only problem is I have no idea where to start.
Student living in Cracow. He has smoked a mediocre hookah couple of times at house parties but one time he has met a shisha master. Rich flavor and the thick white clouds produced while puffing his hookah flipped him over. Ever since he dreams of becoming a shisha ninja.
The solution concept is rising up. Assumptions and frames for the project are laid out.
fiRST Solution!
SECOND Solution!
Struggling with finding opinions on shisha flavors and brands
Database with category-specific filters allowing multiple selections
first solution!
Hard to communicate and get tips from other smokers
second solution!
Direct messages for discussing highly specific topics
Difficulty in finding lounges while staying in another city
first solution!
second solutioN!
first solution!
second solutioN!
Tobacco categorization in rankings including top weeks, months, and top brands
First solutioN!
second solution!
Map with shisha lounges and shops nearby based on user location
Never know what flavors are available to try in a given lounge
Company profiles for shisha business owners with CMS-like system for keeping product range up to date
Losing track of tried flavors and their taste
Customizable user profile with favorites tasted and wish-list tabs
Buy and try call-to-action buttons appearing on tobacco card only when it's marked as available
Q&A section under every tobacco for everyone to read
Hide a "tasted" option for filtering in all rankings
API integration with Google allowing navigation
Main features
Side features
05 prototype
I created a sample version of a final product following user flows. You can download and check the full interactive digital prototype here. You can also go through wireframes below diving deep into my thinking process along the way.
Age verification
Because the app is providing information about tobacco shops and can encourage people to smoke by being visually appealing I paid attention to creating a verification page.

Since most users are more open to giving out their age than their full birth date I have decided to go with a one-text field, one-button approach for desktop. However, for mobile devices clicking a button is easier than filling in the field I decided to move with YES/NO options. I included brief text clarifying why the app needs this information.
First-time use
On the account of app multifunctionality, I have decided to design series of interactions that help the user ease into the experience.
I designed and optimized the registration process for a thriving startup. I have decided to provide users 2 simple ways for joining Shishabase.  

One-click sign-in with social media channels or
a 2-step sign-up. To limit the number of fields upfront I decided to move secondary field “Display name” to the next screen.
sort & filter
To avoid visual prioritizing and user confusion
I decided to combine sorting and filtering in one panel. By default results are sorted by popularity.
I picked high - low terminology because it’s straightforward and hence, fastest to interpret.
I hierarchized filters to display the most popular on top of the list. To improve the searching experience number of items in each subcategory is shown.
The user has few ways to adjust filters. He can adjust filtered results by removing his choices one by one. He can remove all filters with a single click from the level of the filter panel and the main view. Thus, the clear option is always on top.

Also, I provided a checkbox excluding flavors from the tasted list. This way users can find new ones in a flash.
The add button in the left top corner serves as quick action for marking and adding reviews. After clicking it, plus animates into a cross to enable the user to close the modal without any thumb reposition. Clicking any place at overlay would also close it.

Adding tobacco to any list has the effect of filling in the corresponding icon. It provides instant
add-reverse action.
I designed a tobacco card to show key elements without clicking into it. To meet business needs and improve conversion for shops and lounges I came up with buy and try call-to-action buttons. They show up only if tobacco is noted as available in any of the company profiles.

This kind of system is self-serving business leverage. If holders care about being well-positioned and gaining visitors they will care about keeping their profiles up to date.
Due to the dynamics of changes in monthly and weekly rankings, I decided to introduce extra labeling. Next to the tobacco position, it is shown whether it has been promoted or demoted in rankings.
The user is informed when the rank gets updated. The information then also appears on the home page.
While designing the home page I focused on personas goals and frustrations. Bearing in mind the main app features I have placed all top priority functionalities on the home page. Thus the user can complete tasks at hand as quickly as possible. If though he encounters problems site search is always visible.  To make navigation as intuitive as possible I used recognizable design patterns as well as recognizable icons.

To keep the interface dynamic and engaging I have chosen to show weekly tops and recently added tobaccos. This way I am able to catch the attention of visitors who came without a clarity of purpose.
Top brands
Building on the individual tobacco rankings a collective brand ranking is established. The user can find out the country of origin, the number of ratings, and the total manufacturer rating. All tobaccos available in the base are gathered underneath.
Tobacco tab
In the main view, I put all the information which are of primary importance. Besides, each tobacco tab contains detailed information, spots where it's available at the moment, a Q&A section, and reviews.
I have included all the parameters that turned out to be necessary for users based on the survey in detailed information.
I have provided a clear overview of how many people have added tobacco to their favorites, how many have already smoked it and how many would like to try it. I found that note to be relevant during in-depth interviews.
I came up with the floating
call-to-action button. It sticks to the bottom of the screen and stays with users wherever they scroll. It allows them to take action whenever they’re ready.
When holders note the tobacco as available his shop or lounge is being displayed in the Spots section. The user can check if the place is open and then navigate there via Google Maps.
I decided to create a Q&A section for each tobacco flavor to support scannability. Every logged-in user can mark an answer as helpful. This way best answers are top-positioned.

Also, if the question is particularly interesting for the user he can follow it. Then he gets notified each time a new answer is added.
Adding reviews
When adding a review user is looking for tobacco from the base. If it doesn’t exist he has the option to add one by filling in a form. To facilitate this process in the form will only contain the brand, name, and flavor. App owners will be responsible for completing the rest of the data. After filling up the form user gets information that the crew is working on verification.

When the tobacco is available in the base and ready to be reviewed user gets notified. This way he is engaged in a base
co-creation. The user stays satisfied and well-informed.
Because of the complexity of factors, I divided the process of adding a review into 3 stages. First, the obligatory stage is adjusted to the less experienced users. It contains only basic parameters provided with tooltips.

After analysis, I decided that 5 stars rating system is the best suited here. It makes the consideration process easier and gives a three-dimensional overview of a product. Allows to take an average and pull out the general rate.
The second stage contains key parameters for more advanced shisha smokers.

In the third extra comments and photos can be left. I prompt users with an example comment. It contains all the other aspects indicated as important in the survey but hard to close in a reliable rating system.
To minimize the memory used by app I designed the experience bearing in mind API integration with Google. After entering the map tab the app asks the user for permission to share his location. Then, based on user position, places around him are being displayed.

I provided easy system to distinguish shops and lounges. If the user got lost on the map he can go back to his location with one tap. I decided to put a "relocate" button in bottom right corner because it’s the thumb zone.
To cover the need of checking places somewhere else I did a separate view for searching purposes.

I decided to design an in-between screen with basic information before transferring the user to Google Maps. This way users can filter out places already closed or too far away without the necessity of leaving the application.
To increase user engagement and add social aspects I decided to implement a followers/following system. This way users can follow other more experienced smokers or other users with similar preferences. They get notified of new reviews and favorites flavors added by followed prfiles.
Age verification
Because the app is providing information about tobacco shops and can encourage people to smoke by being visually appealing I paid attention to creating a verification page.

Since most users are more open to giving out their age than their full birth date I have decided to go with a one-text field, one-button approach for desktop. However, for mobile devices clicking a button is easier than filling in the field I decided to move with YES/NO options. I included brief text clarifying why the app needs this information.
On Boarding
On the account of app multifunctionality, I have decided to design series of interactions that help the user ease into the experience.
First-time use
I designed and optimized the registration process for a thriving startup. I have decided to provide users 2 simple ways for joining Shishabase.  

One-click sign-in with social media channels or a 2-step sign-up. To limit the number of fields upfront I decided to move secondary field “Display name” to the next screen.
While designing the home page I focused on personas goals and frustrations. Bearing in mind the main app features I have placed all top priority functionalities on the home page. Thus the user can complete tasks at hand as quickly as possible. If though he encounters problems site search is always visible.  To make navigation as intuitive as possible I used recognizable design patterns as well as recognizable icons.
To keep the interface dynamic and engaging I have chosen to show weekly tops and recently added tobaccos. This way I am able to catch the attention of visitors who came without a clarity of purpose.
sort & filter
To avoid visual prioritizing and user confusion I decided to combine sorting and filtering in one panel. By default results are sorted by popularity.
I picked high - low terminology because it’s straightforward and hence, fastest to interpret. I hierarchized filters to display the most popular on top of the list. To improve the searching experience number of items in each subcategory is shown.
The user has few ways to adjust filters. He can adjust filtered results by removing his choices one by one. He can remove all filters with a single click from the level of the filter panel and the main view. Thus, the clear option is always on top.`
Also, I provided a checkbox excluding flavors from the tasted list. This way users can find new ones in a flash.
The add button in the left top corner serves as quick action for marking and adding reviews. After clicking it, plus animates into a cross to enable the user to close the modal without any thumb reposition. Clicking any place at overlay would also close it.
Adding tobacco to any list has the effect of filling in the corresponding icon. It provides instant add-reverse action.
I designed a tobacco card to show key elements without clicking into it. To meet business needs and improve conversion for shops and lounges I came up with buy and try call-to-action buttons. They show up only if tobacco is noted as available in any of the company profiles.
This kind of system is self-serving business leverage. If holders care about being well-positioned and gaining visitors they will care about keeping their profiles up to date.
Building on the individual tobacco rankings a collective brand ranking is established. The user can find out the country of origin, the number of ratings, and the total manufacturer rating. All tobaccos available in the base are gathered underneath.
tobacco tab
I came up with the floating call-to-action button. It sticks to the bottom of the screen and stays with users wherever they scroll. It allows them to take action whenever they’re ready.
When holders note the tobacco as available his shop or lounge is being displayed in the Spots section. The user can check if the place is open and then navigate there via Google Maps.
I decided to create a Q&A section for each tobacco flavor to support scannability. Every logged-in user can mark an answer as helpful. This way best answers are top-positioned.
Also, if the question is particularly interesting for the user he can follow it. Then he gets notified each time a new answer is added.
adding reviews
When adding a review user is looking for tobacco from the base. If it doesn’t exist he has the option to add one by filling in a form. To facilitate this process in the form will only contain the brand, name, and flavor. App owners will be responsible for completing the rest of the data. After filling up the form user gets information that the crew is working on verification.
When the tobacco is available in the base and ready to be reviewed user gets notified. This way he is engaged in a base
co-creation. The user stays satisfied and well-informed.
Because of the complexity of factors, I divided the process of adding a review into 3 stages. First, the obligatory stage is adjusted to the less experienced users. It contains only basic parameters provided with tooltips.
After analysis, I decided that 5 stars rating system is the best suited here. It makes the consideration process easier and gives a three-dimensional overview of a product. Allows to take an average and pull out the general rate.
The second stage contains key parameters for more advanced shisha smokers.
In the third extra comments and photos can be left. I prompt users with an example comment. It contains all the other aspects indicated as important in the survey but hard to close in a reliable rating system.
To minimize the memory used by app I designed the experience bearing in mind API integration with Google. After entering the map tab the app asks the user for permission to share his location. Then, based on user position, places around him are being displayed.

I provided easy system to distinguish shops and lounges. If the user got lost on the map he can go back to his location with one tap. I decided to put a "relocate" button in bottom right corner because it’s the thumbzone.
top brands
To cover the need of checking places somewhere else I did a separate view for searching purposes.
I decided to design an in-between screen with basic information before transferring the user to Google Maps. This way users can filter out places already closed or too far away without the necessity of leaving the application.
To increase user engagement and add social aspects I decided to implement a followers/following system. This way users can follow other more experienced smokers or other users with similar preferences. They get notified of new reviews and favorites flavors added by followed prfiles.
06 evaluate
Usability testing
I have recruited 5 users in order to test few aspects of my product:

1. Understandability of the concept - is it clear to users what it is for  and what actions can be performed with it?
2. Hierarchy of elements - are the most important elements noticeable and easily accessible?
3. Terminology - whether the language and terms used in the system are fully understandable, friendly, concise and informative?

To assure meaningfulness of conclusions and observation I have created a research scenario with tasks to be performed by users. Each task was appointed to motivate the user to use a specific functionality without prompting and facilitating the task at the same time. Based on the results I improved my design and created second prototype version of the application.

Introduced changes:
1. Location of YES / NO buttons such that the most often chosen option (YES) was on the right side on the screen in the thumb zone.
2. Parsing user e-mail to his user name in case he doesn’t provide any in order to prevent repeatable usernames.
3. The list of cool avatars to choose.
4. Infinite scroll of search results to provide more frictionless experience.
5. The distance from the user to different shisha places provided on the map and spots list.
6. The number of results showing in the places search on the top.
7. Increased the size of location icons on the map.
8. Possibility to save a review as draft.
9. Showing new, promoted and demoted position in every ranking.
10. Change the terminology from light / dark to Virginia/ Burley as more informative for smokers.
07 outcome
Key points I Have Learned
Webapp for purchasing and checking blood test results
Design challenge
About The Project
Based on the low fidelity flow provided my task was to design end UI screens. The low fidelity prototypes presented a form that the user needs to fill out after purchasing and doing a blood test to receive his results online. The test could be done in one of the co-operating blood collection points.
User Context
The elderly lady recently had her blood work done and wants to check the results online. She hasn’t used this system before and she follows instructions she received from a nurse when having her blood drawn. She is not good with technology, but she wants to try to do this alone.
Business Goal
Business wants an easy, self-explanatory flow for its customers It should also keep users engaged in the system to purchase more products, schedule doctor's appointments or consultations, buy other examinations. The user should have the possibility to create the account as well as receive results as a guest.
User Goal
Receive tests results online and download them, separately, as they need to consult them with different doctors.
Target GROUP
Adults all ages with a focus on elderly people
Designing an simple, easy-to-use, accessible, and engaging app at once
MY role
Design UI screens based on the low fidelity flow provided.
Basic Flow
Check out the prototype version.

Since the primary objective of the user visiting the page is receiving results I decided to apply the call-to-action button serving this purpose.
Experienced users can log in directly from the home page.

To meet business goals, I decided to design action cards encouraging users to purchase more products right behind.

For a more accessible design, I choose sans serif font and applied high color contrast.
For the whole app flow, I decided to go with the single-task approach. Clear actions simplify making decisions and following the path which is vital for elderly people. For every decision, an extra explanation is provided.
If the user has an account he can sign in with 2-steps.
To minimize things that the user needs to remember I decided to use a PESEL number.
Guest users can receive their results by filling out the 4-steps form as shown in video below. To keep the single-task approach I decided to show the next step after correctly completing the previous one. The user is informed about the progress.

After completing the form button "Get Results" gets activated.

To meet business aims at every step of the process, the user can decide to create an account.
Long-term users of the system may have a wide test history. Therefore, the latest results are shown by default on top. Rest can be found in the dropdown list.

Additionally, the user has the option to download their entire medical history as needed.
The patient panel for the guest user is simplified but covers all basic needs.
Feedback modal
About the project
Feedback modal design for the web version of interactive whiteboard app. High fidelity prototype enabling user fast and reliable overall app experience as well as session experience.
The most important thing was to entice a user to leave his feedback by incentive design kept in styles and colors of the web app.
Depending on user rate choice path gets adjusted. Click here to get the full experience.